Security and safety business
We consider it important to cooperate and keep informed regarding the business and current affairs in the society, with regards to security, fire safety, building rules and accessibility etc.
Also to follow and support the development of new standards in these areas are important for the future.
This is why RZ OLDA is a member of the Swedish business association for “Security in Electronics and Mechanics”, SEM Group.
From (
“SEM Group is the natural platform and meeting place for manufacturers and suppliers of physical and electronic security.”
SEM Group is nationally a member of SäkerhetsBranschen with a total of 440 companies and 33 000 co-workers in Sweden.
Internationally, SEM Group is a member of ARGE (The European Federation of Associations of Locks and Builders Hardware Manufacturers) which includes over 230 European manufacturers of security and safety products.
ARGE is a lobbying organization which address business issues regarding European standards and acts as an advisor in technical matters, for example for the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
Another important operator in the business is “Sveriges Lås och Säkerhetsleverantörers Riksförbund” (SLR), which is a national organization for locksmiths all over Sweden. They are a member of “SäkerhetsBranschen” and European Locksmith Federation (ELF). They also publishes the magazine Säkerhetsinstallatören.
Door fittings (hardware) and standards
Many door fittings and their relevant properties are described in a separate European standard. If that standard is harmonized (mandatory), a certificate should be issued which shows that the product meets the requirement of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), issued by the EU – and should hence be CE marked.
A Declaration of Performance (DoP) should then also be issued for that product according to the standard.
It is important to notice that building rules within the EU differs between the countries. This means that the requirements for use of the building products also differs. And a product is not “approved” only on the basis of the CE mark. Instead, the information in the CE marking and the DoP must be taken into consideration – so that the relevant country’s building rules will be met.
The standard of the flush bolts (EN 12051) is not harmonized, so they cannot currently be CE marked.
Fireproof doors
To be able to market a door system as fire proof, the whole system with door leaf, frame and all included door fittings etc. needs to be tested and approved against the relevant standards.
Therefore it is not possible to get a certificate for a separate door fittings as “fire proof”.
From 1:st of November 2019 it is mandatory to CE mark fire proof external doors and windows according EN 14351-1. (In combination with EN 16034.)
The work to enable CE marking for also fireproof inner doors, according to EN 14351-2 (in combination with EN 16034) is not completed.
Useful links
Swedish building product catalogues:
Byggkatalogen (from Svensk Byggtjänst)
A Swedish information service for products within the building and real estate sector.
Byggfakta DOCU
A Swedish information service for products and materials relevant for professionals in the building sector.
ByggVaruBedömningen“is a system that evaluate and provide information regarding environmental evaluated building products and influence the product development towards a toxic free and good environment in buildings.”
OLDAs products is listed in the BVB.
Swedish authorities:
Boverket :
Swedish contact point for use and CE marking of building products.
Swedish certification bodies:
RISE: : (Research Institutes of SwEden)
SBSC (“Svensk Brand och Säkerhets Certifiering”):
DNV (“Det Norske Veritas”):